- Moved back home for a few weeks, the longest time I've been home in several years. I had lots of quality time with my family, and I got to cook on the grill frequently!
- Through a combination of searching Craigslist and showing up for a couple days in person, I landed a great apartment in a good neighborhood, with easy-going roommates, and within easy bike range from the office and grocery store. God's provision never ceases to amaze me.
- While visiting the city, I toured what I would call a pretty crummy apartment. No A/C, kind of a sketchy neighborhood, and fleas - dead fleas all over the counter (bug bombed I guess?), and I left the place with itchy ankles. I realized I'm quite privileged to have the option of choosing not to live there.
- Enjoyed the great hospitality of my supervisor and his family.
- Moved in to my new place.
- Played Ultimate Frisbee on the National Mall!
- Attended a great worship service at Capitol Hill UMC.
- Biked EVERYWHERE (this is a really good thing).
That leaves the more difficult things. You know, those mysterious things I've missed out on over the past years while I studied engineering, those things I really haven't given more than a ounce or two of thought to. My first few days at the office have given me a little taste of that. One of my first hints was when I could only name 3 or 4 causes of poverty off the top of my head. That was today, after having talked about it with my other supervisor a few days ago, and surely having talked about it at training. How do people get into poverty, how do they get out, and how do we stop poverty from happening? Something tells me I'll be thinking about these questions a lot more over the next two years.
Thanks for leading me to victory in small ways, and thanks for your victory.
Thanks for fleabag apartments, flea bites on the ankles, and the realization that people live in those places and are glad.
Thanks for the help and hospitality of strangers and those I barely know.
Thanks for your provision in your perfect timing.
Prepare me for tough, uncomfortable teachings.
Take my heart of stone, and give me a heart of flesh.
Give me the mind and spirit to realize that all I have is for You and for restoring your creation.
On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.