“Where is their God?”
Do people say this in spite of your faith in God? With the seemingly innumerable accounts of suffering in the world – poverty, human trafficking, and violence of many kinds – even we Christians may ask ourselves, “Where is our God?”
When we see or experience despair, it’s easy to lose hope and faith in God. In those times, and as we solemnly journey to Easter, let’s remember that we know how the story ends. God didn’t forget about us – God sent us Jesus. The world tried to extinguish this Light, but the darkness could not overcome the Light. The tomb will be empty.
Further, Paul urges the Corinthians, “let us not accept the grace of God in vain.” The invitation is to team up with God and all people in the restoration and renewal of God’s creation.
Do people say this in spite of your faith in God? With the seemingly innumerable accounts of suffering in the world – poverty, human trafficking, and violence of many kinds – even we Christians may ask ourselves, “Where is our God?”
When we see or experience despair, it’s easy to lose hope and faith in God. In those times, and as we solemnly journey to Easter, let’s remember that we know how the story ends. God didn’t forget about us – God sent us Jesus. The world tried to extinguish this Light, but the darkness could not overcome the Light. The tomb will be empty.
Further, Paul urges the Corinthians, “let us not accept the grace of God in vain.” The invitation is to team up with God and all people in the restoration and renewal of God’s creation.
Creator God, in the times of darkness
when faith eludes us, please clear our vision so we can see the light of hope
and empower us to live into your call on our lives. Amen.
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This is a brief Lenten devotional I wrote for Capitol Hill UMC. I thought I'd share it with the rest of the world as well!