Wednesday, February 19, 2014

sabbath post: the wind-blown Spirit

So here I am, bedtime on a Wednesday night, just sitting down to my blog. I actually have a pile of ideas I'd like to expand on, but I'm trying to renew my commitment to getting appropriate rest. I just didn't have time for a thorough blog post this week, so I'm starting a new tradition of Sabbath posts so I can keep my commitment of Wednesday posts and also make sure I get enough sleep.

One of my favorite scriptures is John 3:8.

The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.

I like things to be linear, structured, and organized. This verse is not comforting to me. How can I figure out life when it just blows all over the place? And Jesus is telling me that's how it goes with people born of the Spirit?

I first started to actually enjoy this scripture when I started seriously considering God's calling on my life. It's not straightforward, there is no system or ten-step process to follow. We get the Spirit to follow, and the Spirit blows like the wind!

How does this verse inform your calling? Also, how are you getting some Sabbath rest lately?

1 comment:

  1. A few thoughts from my dad that I thought were well said:

    One of my favorite songs has always been “Dust in the wind” by Kansas. “All we are is dust in the wind” is such a sobering thought. We tend to see ourselves, our little corner of the universe as “so important” but from God’s point of view, we probably are - dust in the wind. He sees the big picture - we only see a small part. He sees the eons - we see several decades.

    I don’t mean we are unimportant! As children of God we most certainly are important to Him! But as the wind and the dust swirls, so we too swirl into and out of other people’s lives. It is incumbent that as we move in and out of relationships, like the wind, like the dust in the wind - we leave traces of His love…
