Thursday, February 6, 2014

a faithful response to the evolution debate

Bill Nye: Bible doesn't tell the Earth's true history (Washington Post)
Science, faith not incompatible (Faith in Action)
Social Principles, ¶160
Psalm 19:1-4 


  1. Right on, right on Davejohnson. Celebrate faith AND celebrate evolution! Science helps describe and understand what God has done and is doing. I would had that poetry and paintings and theater and music are also wonderful helps to describe and, in our limited human way understand and what God has done and is doing. And, mystery! Yes, we have have a rich tradition of Christian mysticism including John Wesley and so many others. So where the arguments and the debates find their limits, we can sing and pray and paint and meditate on the mysteries. Knowing there is a lot we don't know but can still enjoy and celebrate. The peace of Christ be with us here on our little Earth home.

  2. I loved this article:

    And yes Bob, thankfully God makes God's self known to us in so many ways - science, art, relationships, logic, nature, and so many more. God also leads us to mysteries through the same diverse channels. Different methods appeal more strongly to some than others, which God knows and leverages to gather God's diverse and scattered flock. Balance between seeking the facts and living in the mystery is also crucially important. Thanks for the thoughts!
