Wednesday, March 12, 2014

sabbath post: sunset over capitol hill east

Spring is one of my favorite times of year. After a long, cold winter, 50 degrees feels like t-shirt weather. On top of that, I find that when the seasons change, that's when the best sunsets happen!

Below is a view from my doorstep in the Capitol Hill East neighborhood from last Friday. The yellows, pinks, and purples echoed down A Street as I walked up to the front door, and I couldn't resist pulling out my camera.

I was exhausted by the end of the day. I bolted out of work just after 5:00pm, knowing that a crazy two weeks of seminars would be just around the corner. As I headed out from the United Methodist Building, I noticed the sun setting in spectacular color over the Capitol Dome as the Washington Monument peeked up over the horizon a little behind. I thought to myself, it would be awesome to climb the steps of the Supreme Court and check out the view. I decided to buzz home instead, and probably missed a great opportunity to observe the beauty of creation and catch a glimpse of God.

It's a crazy season at the UM Seminar Program. We'll have eight seminars over the next two weeks. It sometimes feels like survival mode, just doing everything necessary to make sure the seminars flow well, and if they don't, taking corrective action.

I decided over Lent to focus on making sure I get enough rest. Mostly I am hoping to get eight hours of sleep per night. Sometimes, it's just not practical, but I try as a spiritual discipline to make it happen. I think that rest also extends to taking a few minutes to appreciate God's creation.

After work on Monday, the first day of "March Madness" at the Seminar Program, it was 60 degrees and sunny, plus we had an extra hour of daylight thanks to Daylight Savings Time. I made some dinner and ate outside, enjoying the fresh air, sunshine, some music in my headphones, and food. It was a great recharge, even for a moderate extrovert like myself. I'm looking forward to appreciating the beauty of life and creation more often.

Take time to be holy; the world rushes on.

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